
A Sincere but Light-Hearted Mission To Make More of Myself!

Posts Tagged ‘nail varnish


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Over the last month or so, I have tried hard to cut back on beauty spending. Three months in to Mission Beauty and I have accumulated quite a few products and I’m trying to focus on using them up and more importantly using them properly before I encounter even more.

Hmmm, however on such a mission, there is always going to be the odd purchase or two that just has to be made and lately there seems to be a bit of a Revlon thing going on.

Let’s get my money’s worth and have an ickle look at one of the little Revlonites that I just had to take home with me, eek!

Minted! This is my very first green nail varnish and it wasn’t until I saw various NOTD’s, featuring this Mint green, Mint Candy Apple (Essie) and Barry M’s infamous Mint nail paint, that I realised what my collection was missing.

Minted is true to the colour in the bottle (a mint green maybe a little greener then it looks in my photo) and can appear just as beautiful on your nails but I had to apply it carefully for such good results. The application was not particularly easy. The colour took two or three coats to build and some time to dry and then it still chipped quite easily when I straightened my hair, hours later.

I love the final colour especially on my naturally pale hands but I would say if you are going to wear it with a tan, make sure it is a top notch tan with no tell tale orange (or alternatively white) lines, patches as they just cheapen the nail colour and makes it all look very immature. I had to have two attempts at applying Minted before I got the more sophisticated in vogue look that I was seeking and expecting. This is not a fuss free nail colour. Saying that when it looks good, it really catches the eye and makes all the effort worthwhile.

As I mentioned my spending on Revlon has not stopped there and I hope to have a post up soon about the new foundation, Revlon Photo-Ready.

What do you think of Revlon? What do they do well? Any recommendations for me. To me, they seem to be a brand whose products create frenzies. Surely this is good for them but is it much good for me?! Any Revlon you would like to recommend? How does Minted compare with your favourite nail varnish?


Written by essjay23x

April 7, 2010 at 7:40 pm

Lost Treasure!

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Lost Treasure!

Somebody has lost some treasure and I’ve found it.

Well, nobody is claiming it so what is a girl to do when nobody claims this beautiful colour that I just found carelessly lying around the house?!

Wear it, of course!!!!

I never used to be a bright nail kinda girl but ooh, this pink looks so neon on my fingers and, I’m loving it. To be fair, I have asked around but nobody is claiming it yet karma is still biting me for as soon as I opened the front door, it started to chip and smudge.

Never mind, the things you’ll forgive a beautiful colour. . !


PS Don’t forget that you can now comment and subscribe. Also while you’re here, why don’t you take a peek at my competition post if you haven’t already done so?

Written by essjay23x

January 22, 2010 at 5:44 pm

Twas the Christmas . . .

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Twas the Christmas . . .



Christmas 2009 was the one when I wore Double Decker Red Nail Varnish (Rimmel) and loved it.

Nail varnish is something I’ve always been cautious about. School time memories of smudges, chips and bumps but things have improved. Now it takes literally a couple of minutes, or so, for many varnishes to be applied and to dry. When a varnish is that quick and easy to do, who cares if you need to reapply it every day or so?! 

Hmmm, I’m liking the idea of matching my nail varnish to my mood or season. It could be useful when funds are low and my perfume collection has dwindled.

Double Decker Red is now officially my Christmas Varnish. It reminds me of holly berries and London double deckers which then reminds me of London and the Christmas film, Love Actually. I love Christmas!

Er, yeah, how many days is it until Christmas 2010 again?


Written by essjay23x

January 3, 2010 at 10:56 pm