
A Sincere but Light-Hearted Mission To Make More of Myself!

Posts Tagged ‘lashes

Lash update!

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Lash update!

Today is the 19th of January 2010 and I think it is time for a lash update.

I started using Ardell Lash and Brow Accelerator on the 23rd of December 2009. Ever since, I have applied it to my top lashes once a day before I go to bed. I have applied it more occasionally, when I can be bothered, to my brows and lower lashes. I believe my lower lashes still benefit from the product on a daily basis as when I close my eyes to sleep, the accelarator on the top lashes probably makes contact with the bottom lashes. I always coat both the top and underside of my top lashes.

I did take some pictures on the 23rd of December before I started applying the accelerator but the pictures are rubbish and I’m not going to use them because you can not see in them, what lashes I started with.

So for my before shot, we have a photo took on a social occasion before I started using the acclerator. This is typical of how my lashes would look with mascara on.



The next two pictures are of my lashes on New Years Eve. At this point, I had applied the acclerator 8 times.

And this is me earlier today (playing with my MAC), 19 days on from New Years Eve

In order to try and reach fair conclusions, I have had to use photos where I am wearing mascara as I do not have enough bare lashes ones. It should be noted though (I sound like a mascara disclaimer) that I may be using different mascara products in some of the pics. I honestly don’t know what I was wearing in the earlier ones. Today was a basic Rimmel 100% waterproof mascara though.

So, my conclusion . . !

Well, I think that I see a difference. I certainly have not lost any volume or length.  I would go further and say in that last photo, my lashes seem fuller and maybe stronger. I’m not sure how well the first photo of today shows that though.

I am certainly not disappointed when I got the acclerator for less then ten pounds and application takes less then twenty seconds every night.

I know in a earlier post I mentioned that my eyes felt a little sensation at times. I have not felt this for a while and feel there have been no more negative reactions to the product. I noticed two or three eyelashes falling out last week but have seen none for a few days since. I think maybe I naturally do lose lashes in little cycles like this.

I will finish the bottle of Ardell and I hope the difference, that I feel its making, is soon proved beyond doubt.

I’m still not sure if I am applying the product correctly, once a day before bed. There were no application instructions. If anybody has used this product differently, please let me know what you did and the result.

I’ve got a feeling lashes are going to become another obsession so if anybody has any more recommendations for growth products that I might want to look in to when I finish this one, please leave me a comment or an email.


PS Don’t forget you can now subscribe. There is a little competition for subscribers coming very soon now.

Written by essjay23x

January 19, 2010 at 6:49 pm

Lashes for 2010!

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Lashes for 2010!



I was very pleased to hear recently that lashes are to be BIG in 2010.

I would say that my eyes are one of my least flawed features so it is strange that on my mission it is one of the first I try to enhance. Maybe it is just that the others are going to be a lot more work!

Anyway on December the 23rd 2009, I started applying the Ardell Brow and Lash Excel Growth Accelarator to my top lashes. I already have quite long lashes but want more volume and colour. I’m hoping that this product will help.

The main reason that I chose the Ardell product was the price. It is a great deal cheaper then many other renowned products in this market such as Lilash, Enormous Lash and Jan Marini. The average price for this type of product seemed more then £80. I brought this Ardell product for less then £9. The reviews I found for Ardell seemed ok and some were even quite impressive. I could not find any horror stories.

There was no application instructions with the product but I have read a little on the internet and have settled in to a routine of applying the product each night before bed to my upper lashes and a space in my brow.

For the first couple of days, I noticed nothing but between days 3-6 (approx), I felt my eyes were ever so slightly more itchier then normal on the lower lash line and I felt a faint tingling sensation occasionally in the eye area. Now, it would be easy to say that this was down to the accelerator but it should also be noted that it was christmas, and I was making up and cleansing more frequently then normal. I never normally notice dropped lashes but at this time, I did notice maybe two or three over a three day period which had fallen.

Fingers crossed though as the itching has now subsided as has any tingling and please, please I have spotted no more fallen lashes. In fact right now, I think my lashes are certainly standing out more. I can not really tell yet if this is just because they are glossier and in better condition or if it is because there has been some growth.

I have yet to see a difference in my brow gaps. Watch this space . . .


Written by essjay23x

January 4, 2010 at 1:16 am