
A Sincere but Light-Hearted Mission To Make More of Myself!

Posts Tagged ‘asos

Weekend Plans

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Weekend Plans

And here is a couple more suggestions for this weekend.

1/ Pick up the InStyle March 2010 issue


There is a Best Beauty Buys magazine with it.

I haven’t had time to read it all yet but already have a couple of items to add to my wishlist as well as a few little tips to make more of myself. For example, they quote make-up artist Alex Box who says ‘When wearing a strong lip colour, powder the outside edge of your lips to lock in the colour and prevent bleeding’. I can’t wait to get lost in this one this weekend (when I’m not partying, of course!) There is also an offer for 20% off at ASOS until the end of February.

2/ Keep an eye on my blogroll in the sidebar this weekend. I have already added a link to Jessica Rose and Milly (Pearls and Poodles) and I hope to add some more over the weekend. I’m really in to blog surfing at the moment. I’m also hoping to do a post this week where you can all introduce yourselves and your blog in the comments ‘cos as I’ve said before it is hard to get your blog known out there and I’m sure that some of you are hiding some real gems.

3/ I have enjoyed so many posts this week and I think, I am going to start highlighting them on my blog. This one by Gemma is all about Style Inspiration ( ). She actually has a file crammed with piccies of style and icons who inspire her and in this post, she shares it with us. I have to create one of these files. I hope that I have time to this weekend. It will be so useful for my fashion challenge. If any of you have a style file or create one after sneaking a peek at Gemma’s then please leave us a link to it here. I’d love to see what you like and what inspires you all!

4/ Take a look at my Competition post and the lovely treats on offer for the winner and then starting doing what you need to, to enter. I can’t believe that the closing date is almost only a week away.

5/ And finally, don’t forget to party with Creative Moments

Happy weekends, yay!